Monday, October 8, 2012

Week 18, 212 lbs.

A photo taken by David Jackson during an event
at work this weekend.  This is the first candid photo
of myself that I've liked in several years!  Look! I'm smiling!
 And I have dimples in my cheeks again!
 Wahoo!!  I am within a few lbs. of getting my weight under 200!   I think I'll be there in two weeks! How exciting! 

The realization of what I've been able to accomplish is still sinking in.

I've been above the 200 mark since I was in my early 20s.  With the exception of a brief time during my 25th year when I had managed to loose several pounds, I have weighed over 200 lbs. (and then some) for what seems like forever.

I now weigh less than my husband.  I was heavier than this when we met nine years ago. 

My husband has never seen me looking or feeling this good.  (As if to prove that point, my wedding ring flew off my finger today because it was too loose. Gotta fix that soon!)

I managed to drop weight this week - six pounds - even though we had a huge event at work, which included long hours and nightly receptions when I wasn't able stay on the diet. (I tried to stick with the "healthier" options presented.)  I even had a couple glasses of wine at one of the receptions.  As a result of the non-diet foods and drinks I had during the week, my fat mass was up a bit, but even so, I was able to take 6 more pounds off my frame.

Winter Texans and art center volunteers who haven't seen me in a while said some really nice, encouraging things to me. A couple of people didn't even recognize me until I started talking. It wasn't all about my looks, either.  They commented on my improved attitude and "glow."  I think the glow came from all the praise I was receiving.  I could have walked on clouds I was feeling so happy!  It struck me how many people said they noticed a change in my personality.  

My job can get stressful at times and in the past I wasn't handling the stress very well.  I think part of it was because my body was already under so much stress due to the bulk I was carrying around and I was in an incredible amount of pain.  I didn't have the energy or resources to deal with a lot of situations in a healthy manner.  I also didn't have much pride in myself.  Let's face it, I was sick and dying. (And I was doing it to myself.)

Improving my health has perked me up in so many ways.  When you're hurting, sick and beating up on yourself, there is no way you can perform daily tasks in a happy, efficient manner.  I feel better both physically and mentally - so of course people are going to enjoy being around me more than they did in the past. 

I am also taking more pride in my appearance - keeping my feet and hands groomed, wearing makeup, dressing nicer, etc.  The changes in my life and attitude amaze me.  Every day brings a new victory.

I wish I could bottle up how I am feeling and share it with my friends and family. If there was a way I could make others feel like this, I would!

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